Here is a shirt that I received from Brother Eric Gonzales of the Nu Lambda chapter. This shirt uses has a lot of thought put into it that I will let the words of Brother Gonzales explain.
"This is a shirt we just had made to take to the Texas Music Educators Association state convention.
The front is simple and includes the Coca Cola slogan from 1957. "The sign of good taste"
The back has the letters and lists each of the five classes who have crossed since Nu Lambda's reactivation in January 2009.
"Ossian's Twelve" - 12 rechartering brothers
"Dominant Seventh" - 7 new brothers
"Cinco de Mojo" - 5 new brothers and de Mojo, our two honorary members
"The Tritones" - 3 new brothers
"Calliope's Eighteen" - 18 new brothers"